Sunday, December 18, 2011

Miraflor I. Fernandez:Measurement, Evaluation, Assessment and Testing

Here comes another excitement day in my graduate studies. Facing challenges and nourishing myself with knowledge in which I consider a treasure both in my personal and professional life. There are lots of reasons to be thankful for, a good friends and classmates that I established good friendship that help me get going every Saturday for the good company with fun and learning. Another driving force is my conversant and expert professor who doesn’t failed to give the essential knowledge.

Just like the other semester, looking forward for another remarkable and meaningful experiences and this starts with this subject. On the first day of orientation there are lots of expectations for I find this subject very substantial for another notable thing to discover and learn. Based on the subject content I find it very helpful to measure and evaluate the performance of the learners that serve as the baseline on every educational program and it also serve as the basis for planning.

As a teacher it helps me a lot to analyze the intellectual needs of the pupils on what areas or skills the pupils have given much attention. It gives me ideas on the kind of strategies and identified the learning style of the pupils to transmit a better learning.

Though it is not my first time to encounter this subject, but this time I find it more effective and appropriate for it caters the needs of school children in today’s education that demands a lot of things call for their total development. Having this subject is a saving grace to develop more my teaching style and level up myself in learning things to grow in my profession. It only proves that continuing education is important to update myself in the latest trends of our educational system.


Reaction Paper
DepEd Order No. 71, S. 2010

I believe that all the programs of the Department of Education are for the good and the benefits of the students as well as to improve and develop our educational system. It remains the fact that acquiring quality education is a partner for national development. Educated Filipinos is the best human capital for the country’s progress and development. One of the main goals of our educational system is the production of functional literate Filipino learners. Assessment is a way of gathering data and evidence about the performance of the Filipino learners. Sad to note it doesn’t serve the purpose for it give out inaccurate data in which suppose will correct weaknesses in the delivery of instruction. Here is the National Achievement Test task to measure the literacy skill of the learners. But the administration of NAT plays controversies up to the end that results also note a big question mark? Even how much the government spends money for programs and projects but it is in the manner of implementation;

My Personal Arguments:

1. I think our educational system need not to make or focus on educational reforms but rather transformation of our educational leaders. It says that leadership is not a position but it is an obligation. It is a way of doing the right thing for the common good.

2. A lot of things have been said in the administration of the NAT that there are irregularities and the result is not reliable. It maybe because NAT is a tool to measure the effectiveness of the school and maybe it happens because no one would like to be labeled as ineffective.

3. I think it also happens due to competition. Schools and administrators competes each other for ego sake for they don’t want to belong in a low performing school. By all means they would do to stay on top or in the middle rank for some reasons.

4. NAT is a good exposure for students in taking examination for it measures their learning capabilities and mastery level in basic subjects. Hoping NAT will be carried out with honesty in its administration to really give pictures the true performance of the school to design appropriate learning intervention. Though there is no evidence claim about the irregularities hope as educators will set good examples of values to exemplify to our students for it’s a big shame to be a cheater and the bottom line it is the learners who will become losers.

DELIMA, NORMA B. :What Do We Need To Do To Increase The Quality of Assessment for Learning?

Meeting 4 Article: What Do We Need To Do To Increase
The Quality of Assessment for Learning?

Things are not what they always seem to appear. We generally do things our way, and we usually think it is the best, but the truth is… there is always a better way.

People vary in their styles. This is also true with the teaching and learning. Teachers have different delivery styles, and the learners, likewise, have different ways of perceiving, understanding, and remembering the concepts.

What makes a man attracted to a woman basically is the physical feature. Similarly, one thing that could probably increase the quality of assessment for learning, is the learning atmosphere. Child Friendly Schools System as one of the programs of the Department of Education sees to it that the school, particularly the classroom environment, is really conducive for learning. It follows that the teachers should also be friendly, approachable, and committed, enough to inspire the students to come to school regularly and on time. Friendly inside and outside the school, during discussion is good, but not during examination. Allowing students to talk, copy each other’s work, sharing of answer, cheating, do not do any good for the assessment of learning. Students should learn to work independently especially during examinations. Certainly, this will help increase the quality of assessment of learning.

Understanding the three stages of learning also is needed to for the assessment for learning: input, integration, and output, as pointed out by Henry Tenedero. Inputs are the lessons, facts or information regarding the subject matter that the teacher gives to the students. Integration is the process of associating or relating the lessons to the lives of the students. And output is the desired results in the form of written or oral examinations to quantify the students’ knowledge and understanding of the lessons, and that is assessment. When there is doubt on the part of the teacher as to whether or not the lesson is understood, the teacher should then have the reflective thinking.

Teachers should also check on the learning continuum if his subject matter is still a part of the learning competencies, and should then focus and spend more time on the least mastered ones. After evaluation, even without item analysis, by merely letting students who did not score at least half of the items to honestly raise their hands, we can assess if there is a need to re-teach the lesson. The class average scores actually give us the sign to reflect, enhance, and improve the teaching of the lesson. It serves as an indicator on deciding whether to look back or to look forward.

We do not see much problem on classroom level assessment. However, when the assessment comes up to a higher level, with the result that is said to be ranked, there exist then some manipulations in the result. And the “authentic result” is not revealed anymore. I think one important thing that we need to do then to increase the quality of assessment for learning, is to reveal the authentic assessment result. Let us stop manipulating the result of the assessment. Let us stop cheating. Stop coaching students. Let us give justice to the thousands or millions of pesos spent for the papers and preparations for the assessment. The huge budget of the department is actually useless if it does not serve the purpose.

Another thing perhaps is that assessment result in the higher level should not be ranked, so that there is no need for schools to compete among themselves, which is the main cause of cheating.

One advantage of being in the private institution is that they can opt not to take part in the National Achievement Test. One wrote a comment in the internet that it only gives them dismal feeling when they see their school at the bottom rank and they think that the low school performance cannot compensate the high tuition fees they are paying to the school. But in the public, there is no exemption from taking such test.

Let us just hope that the honesty and integrity of the classroom level assessment of learning, would be true not only in the classroom level but up to the higher level. If this happens, teachers would surely be serving the learners with more enthusiasm, for there will only be a real friendly mostly academic competition, in the classroom, in school, in division, region, and even in the national level.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Norma Delima: Reaction Paper: D.O. 11, s. 2011

Meeting 3 REACTION: ON DEP ED ORDER NO. 11, s 2011
(National Assessment and Grading System Frameworks)

“Assessment of learning is an end to itself”, one important thing I learned from the previous session. And this actually answers the question why students or examination takers cheat. The thought that examination is a requirement for passing a subject or for a higher level of educational qualification, people who are dependent tend to cheat during examination. But one dangerous thing when one get used to it, is that cheating becomes a habit. And cheating which started from classroom may be applied in bigger scope, and to some point, to cheating on relationships, with friends and with the family.
“Learning is an acquisition of KASH from experiences”, another concept I got. KASH which stands for knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits, are the things that are diagnosed in assessing the students. However, among the four, the attitude is the most difficult to be checked- only by observation. It is only through personal integrity that one could claim that he has good attitude. Integrity is doing good even if no one is watching. And like values, it is more caught than taught. Winston Churchill once said, “There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues, the most dominating virtues of human society, are created, strengthened, and maintained.”

So how is assessment done … by a series of test. By then, we will only be able to see the consistency of the performance of an individual.

Summative tests are in the form of quarter exams and chapter test, which is what is meant by assessment of learning. Formative test are in the form of quizzes and long tests, which is referred to the assessment for learning. This again is another thing I learned, the difference between assessment of and assessment for learning.

Increment is then made clearer to me that it is the difference between the scores of the pretest from the posttest. For in here, authentic assessment of learning is really determined. So one very important thing to do during the giving of pretest, is to tell the students to seriously answer the questions. The problem sometimes, or even oftentimes, is that the teacher, during the conduct of the pretest, informs the students not to take the test seriously, for it is just a pre-test.

ON Dep Ed ORDER No.71, s. 2010

Formal education starts with entry of the child at age 5 or 6 into Grade 1. No wonder why pupils and students do not perform as what the previous generations did, because the readiness to learn was not considered. I have read a study which revealed that children who enters grade I at age 7 perform better than those who enrolled earlier in life.

The first objective of assessment is to assess readiness of learners for subsequent grade/year levels in the education ladder. But why is there always a mass promotion? The teacher knows that some of his students lack the desired learning skills for their age, but then because of the fear of “being required to write a letter of explanation” when there are students who cannot be promoted due to failure in at least three units, the tendency is to change marking from red to black ink. And the same things happen the next year, until the National Assessment comes, and until the students enroll to college, with skills generally not mastered.

Objective of Assessment # 7: Ensure that quality learning is being affected by the system. During the Focused Group Discussion held during the midyear break INSET, teacher-participants were asked to list down and discuss by school, the advantages and disadvantages of DLP as implemented in our division. Disadvantages took the greater part. Some can be controlled, some cannot. But for sure, teaching methodologies learned by teachers that would best be utilized to particular topics, cannot be practiced, for only DLP approach plus UBD should be used. Students are now complaining that copying from the blackboard to their activity sheets is already very tiresome.

On Division Unified Test, at our end, we are not given the consolidated test results that really come from the Division Level. School level results are forwarded, but no feedback as to the school’s rank in the division level is given. Could it be because dishonesty is also practiced, or are those tests just for compliance? No wonder why this Dep Ed ORDER was not properly disseminated and implemented.



We measure distance, we assess learning, and we evaluate results in terms of some set of criteria, the conclusion made by Dr. Bob Kizlik.

Evaluation is engaging in some process that is designed to provide information that will help us make a judgment about a given situation.

Testing is also called assessment and involves an interaction with the student to reveal the knowledge that the child has retained from the class lessons.

Assessment is a process by which information is obtained relative to some known objective or goal.

Measurement refers to the process by which the attributes or dimensions of some physical object are determined. It is simply collecting information relative to some established rule or standard. Assessment is therefore quite different from measurement, and has uses that suggest very different purposes.

“Choose a partner to discuss with on how you felt back when you were in your High School when given a test,” the next activity after the review. Seated with Teresa Mingo, my partner, we followed the instruction. Bringing back High School memory when a test is announced in advance, both of us claimed to really have always prepared for the evaluation. Perhaps, both of us belong to the A Type of student, the one who does the homework, is always obedient, always good, and responsible. But like other high school students, when given an unannounced test, there is always the feeling of anxiety due to unpreparedness. But still, ready or not, the quiz must go on.

However, our experiences in high school were so much different from that of Mr. Bean’s. His funny video, I think, showed the behavior of a student who is really stubborn, for even with the professor telling them to work independently and silently, really did something mischievous just to get answers from his seatmate. Mr. Bean prepared for some other subject, Trigonometry if I’m not mistaken, but the envelope he opened was the questionnaire on Calculus. And that was the beginning of his panic.

That behavior is also true to other students who panic for being so surprised. And in actual classroom setting, students like Mr. Bean really exist. In fact, some suffer from mental block, and experiencing headache and stomach ache due to nervous. So, there is a challenge on the part of the teacher on what to do with students like Mr. Bean - ignore, or reprimand. With that panicking, cheating arise.

Cheatings during examinations have now become rampant in the different level of educational ladder. It is not only in elementary, high school, and college classrooms, but also in national professional examinations.
A friend of mine, also now a master teacher of an elementary school in our division, confessed to me one time, when we attended a Civil Service Examination orientation that he took a Civil Service Exam of his brother who lacks self-confidence in taking the test. And because my friend knew he was cheating, he felt so guilty the entire period during the exam. Then after passing the paper, was a sigh of relief. But suddenly, when he was going away from the campus, a policeman called “Ernest, Ernest!”. And he didn’t mind, because he wasn’t Ernest. He has a different name. But then he remembered it was the name of his brother, and so he looked back, and the policeman stopped running after him, and said “You forgot to sign.”
“Whew!”, he thought he was caught up on his cheating. Then, the day was over, but at present, that terrifying guilt he felt one time, is vividly remembered by him until now.

To some, cheating gives real self-excitement, but to some few, they don’t do things that they know they soon would regret.

In classroom, as included in Dr. Alonsabe’s lecture, it would be better to allow students to open their notes, to avoid cheating, which I strongly agree, because like in my Mathematics class, I allow calculator-use to the students. For I believe, that no matter what materials are made available, if students do not know how to use them, materials will be of no use.



Different authors define terms differently, but the keyword to each definition is always there.

“Recall how these terms were defined when you were in your undergrads”, was a brain-teasing introductory statement of Dr. Alonsabe on the very first meeting in this class. “Oh my God, that was about twenty four years ago, I remember the terms, but I don’t remember the meaning anymore”, and so I thought.

The term which used to be “Test, Measurement and Evaluation” is now “Assessment of Learning”, is an important learning I had in the previous session. The measures of central tendency also as a topic to be reviewed and discussed, aroused my interest but did not make me shiver at all, for it is one of the basic topics in elementary statistics. Finding the mean, median and mode in the given data, would be an easy task for all of us, I know.

However, when the “something more” to learn other than the survey done in the Teaching Methodologies subject was mentioned, it gave me a challenge for more learning that I could probably not learn anywhere else but in this class. And I love it. That is the main reason why students like me enroll, not only for higher educational attainment, but for professional growth- and that is to be able to share to others what we learned formally in the university. I believe that the higher your educational attainment, the more credible you are when you share something to someone or even to a group of people.

“Grades are just figures or representations. They are considered the prize of exerting effort in school performance. It can make or unmake a person. It can inspire or discourage an individual”. Grades truly make a history, and like “everyone has a story to tell”, some unforgettable grades also have their stories.

I remember my high school Mathematics teacher who gave me a “not-so-good” grade, a grade I know I don’t deserve to get. But I realize, this is the reality in Education – those who are not noisy in class, especially in the beginning of classes, are most likely not recognized, thus, are given low grades. When I was a high school student, I was the silent type, I usually do not volunteer to answer, but when asked, I have a ready answer. This I think is the reason why I majored Mathematics in my undergrad and even in my Master’s. I considered it a challenge on my part, considering the positive side, but on the other side, it was like revenge- proving to the teacher that I know and could equal, and could even make myself a better and more explicable teacher.

So, I realized, before giving the grade to a student, think-time for individual grade is important, also, individual consideration should be emphasized- the culture and the personality of the individual, because every child is special. And this is EVALUATION.

EVALUATION as defined by Dr. Bob Kizllik is engaging in some process that is designed to provide information that will help us make a judgment about a given situation.

TESTING is also called ASSESSMENT and involves an interaction with the student to reveal the knowledge that the child has retained from the class lessons. Testing is usually performed in a classroom environment, with every student participating, but is also performed on individual students in an isolated setting. Tests are written, oral, open book or strictly from memory.

I think an issue on the reliable measurement or assessment made before the teacher gives grades should be considered. ASSESSMENT is a process by which information is obtained relative to some known objective or goal. Also, the “authentic” assessment must be emphasized. Good thing, there is rubrics recommended for the EVALUATION of outputs, because with it, efforts are given value.

MEASUREMENT refers to the process by which the attributes or dimensions of some physical object are determined. It is simply collecting information relative to some established rule or standard. Assessment is therefore quite different from measurement, and has uses that suggest very different purposes.

To sum up, Dr. Kizlik concluded, we measure distance, we assess learning, and we evaluate results in terms of some set of criteria. These three terms are certainly connected, but it is useful to think of them as separate but connected ideas and processes. And in reality, Dr. Alonsabe says, the formula is: CRITERIA + EFFORT = AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Arlene D. Manginsay's First Reflection

Last November 12, 2011 was my first session in my EDFD 304 “Advance Methods of Educational Assessment” class. It’s again another new beginning of knowledge exploration particularly in the world of Educational Management. I was so excited again sharing the different insights from my professor Dr. Olga Alonsabe and my classmates. We’ve started deliberating what is an Authentic Assessment which said to be an assessment that doesn’t focus on paper and pen test but more on setting criteria in evaluating learning or base on rubrics.

We enjoyed so much discussing things which will optimistically transpire for the whole semester in our class that at the end of the semester we will be equipped with concepts relating measurement, assessment, evaluation, and testing; we will be exposed to the world of Descriptive Statistics, Authentic Educational Assessment, and item Analysis; and we will be expected also to develop an Assessment Tool which can be hopefully helped our present educational curriculum.

As we closed our first session, we were given task to be accomplished with. We were defied to give the differences of measurement, assessment, evaluation and testing in relation to the place of assessment in our curriculum. So as for my little understanding on this issue, I can say that there are disparity among the four even for the fact that they are also related with each other.

For me, measurement means to gauge, compute, calculate, or quantify a certain magnitude, length, degree of something in terms of a selected unit or in short measurement is to get an exact dimension, size, height, dept or quantity of any element and it has an exact statistical answers. While Assessment denotes appraisal or judgment of a certain value or worth and its result focuses on the quality or eminence of the facet being assessed. Moreover, evaluation refers to an expression of value of a quantity numerically or its cost and it has criteria to be set and being followed. And lastly, testing connotes an examination of the nature or value of anything, a set of problems or questions by which a person’s knowledge , abilities, aptitudes or character are assessed, and a set of circumstances occurring naturally or deliberately contrived, in which the nature or qualities of a person or thing are revealed.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sample Rubrics for English Activities... from sham tabao

Rubrics are very important in evaluating and measuring the performance of the students in oral and writing activities. The criteria are needed. It will serve as the basis to which approach does the graded part will be given emphasis. I hope that these sample Rubrics will serve as a guide in your activities for evaluation purposes.

Rubrics on Group Activity

Promptness to assemble and finish task on time – 2.5 points
Member’s cooperation in the discussion and work – 2.5 points
Clarity and smoothness in the discussion of the topic/task with the class – 2.5 points
Use of English in the discussion – 2.5 points
Total Points – 10

Rubric for Reading Part of a Story

Pronounce words correctly and clearly – 4 points
Give natural expressions to the emotions in the story – 3 points
Show natural conversation intonation among the other characters – 3 points
Total Points – 10 points

Rubrics for Reader’s Theater

Correct pronunciation and enunciation – 5 points
Reading with expressions and proper use of hands, heads, and voices (Variation) – 5 points
Natural flow of conversation among characters – 5 points
Readiness and promptness (Variation) – 5 points
Total – 20 points

Rubric for Parts-of-Speech Poem

Follow guidelines – 2 points
Article + noun
Adjective + conjunction
Verb + conjunction + verb
Noun (Relating to the noun in the first line line)
Sensible ideas (topic) in composition – 3 points
Vocabulary choice (appropriateness, high sounding) – 3 points
Spelling, Neatness – 2 points
Total Points – 10
Sample Rubrics for English Activities
Rubrics are very important in evaluating and measuring the performance of the students in oral and writing activities. The criteria are needed. It will serve as the basis to which approach does the graded part will be given emphasis. I hope that these sample Rubrics will serve as a guide in your activities for evaluation purposes.

Rubrics on Group Activity
Promptness to assemble and finish task on time – 2.5 points
Member’s cooperation in the discussion and work – 2.5 points
Clarity and smoothness in the discussion of the topic/task with the class – 2.5 points
Use of English in the discussion – 2.5 points
Total Points – 10

Rubric for Reading Part of a Story
Pronounce words correctly and clearly – 4 points
Give natural expressions to the emotions in the story – 3 points
Show natural conversation intonation among the other characters – 3 points
Total Points – 10 points

Rubrics for Reader’s Theater
Correct pronunciation and enunciation – 5 points
Reading with expressions and proper use of hands, heads, and voices (Variation) – 5 points
Natural flow of conversation among characters – 5 points
Readiness and promptness (Variation) – 5 points
Total – 20 points

Rubric for Parts-of-Speech Poem
Follow guidelines – 2 points
Article + noun
Adjective + conjunction
Verb + conjunction + verb
Noun (Relating to the noun in the first line line)
Sensible ideas (topic) in composition – 3 points
Vocabulary choice (appropriateness, high sounding) – 3 points
Spelling, Neatness – 2 points
Total Points – 10

Rubrics for Assessing Friendship Portfolio

Mechanics in writing (penmanship, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, margin, indention and neatness) – 3 points
Content (interesting, richness) – 3 points
Vocabulary used (high sounding) – 2 points
Organization (Smooth flow in the presentation of ideas) – 3 points
Total Points – 10

Rubric for the Assessment of Book Report

Correctness of Information about the book (Part 1) – 5 points
Mechanics in writing the summary (penmanship, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, margin, indention, neatness) – 5 points
Content (interesting, richness) – 8 points
Organization (smooth flow in the presentation of ideas) – 7 points
Total Points – 25 points

Rubrics for Storytelling

Poise (confidence, naturalness) – 2 points
Voice and diction – 2 points
Clarity of events in the story – 5 points
Vocabulary used – 2 points
Correctness in grammar – 4 points
Total points – 15 points
Mechanics in writing (penmanship, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, margin, indention and neatness) – 3 points
Content (interesting, richness) – 3 points
Vocabulary used (high sounding) – 2 points
Organization (Smooth flow in the presentation of ideas) – 3 points
Total Points – 10

Rubric for the Assessment of Book Report

Correctness of Information about the book (Part 1) – 5 points
Mechanics in writing the summary (penmanship, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, margin, indention, neatness) – 5 points
Content (interesting, richness) – 8 points
Organization (smooth flow in the presentation of ideas) – 7 points
Total Points – 25 points

Rubrics for Storytelling

Poise (confidence, naturalness) – 2 points
Voice and diction – 2 points
Clarity of events in the story – 5 points
Vocabulary used – 2 points
Correctness in grammar – 4 points
Total points – 15 points

Thursday, July 28, 2011


A. Difference between assessment reflection for learning and assessment of learning.

In assessment for learning, it focus on the best ways of delivering a lesson, looking for the best strategy effective to the students since type of pupils are not constant, every year various kind of students are encountered, the style in teaching must not be constant, and so therefore there is a need of assessment for learning to look for the best possible style in teaching that fit to the needs and personality of your pupils and to look for how the strategy in teaching can even be more enhanced. We might thought that our style in teaching is the best and effective but we don’t even know there is much better strategy that can be more effective to the student, and this can be known by looking to the output of the result in assessment. We can also measure how good teaching style by the help of assessment for the learning. Assessment for learning will somehow be the guidance to find out if there’s a problem on teaching strategy are was it effective and be rhe guide in constructing more alternative ways in teaching techniques that will suit the different personalities of students.

While assessment of learning is looking for the result of the students capacity in learning, and their IQ measurement. It will also be the guidance of which particular lessons are need to be reteach, and which part are to be developed. So it will also be a measure of the output of your hard work in making your students learn. So assessment for learning is an evaluation to the teacher while assessment of learning is an evaluation of the student’s learning status.
B. Difference of Norm referenced test and Criterion referenced test.

Norm referenced test are made of standardize test or general examination of knowledge. It is how abundant a certain person possesses in storing knowledge in his mind. While criterion referenced test predefined set of criteria and its aims to reach a specific goals, and reach a certain objectives. Norm referenced test is best on taking board exams, school entrance exam, scholarship exams, and for promotional examinations. While criterion referenced test is best applicable in all level of studies where in they have certain goals and objective to accomplish.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Assessment of/For Learning ..... Jocelyn B. Jugadora

Reflection on Assessment for Learning vs. Assessment of Learning

Assessment of learning is an evaluation to find out if the learners are actually learning (changing their behavior) as a result of the training.

Assessment for learning is an evaluation to provide feedback to both the teacher and learning regarding the learners’ progress towards achieving the learning objective.

These two (2) types of assessment are different from each other. The first one is assessing in finding out what the learner has learned while the later is assessing the learner’s active involvement in his/her own learning.

For me, they are both important. Since both of them contribute to the progress of the learner. The two types can be differentiated according to the following statements:

Assessment of learning can be measured by asking the learner to recall facts or principles; asking the learners to apply a given or recalled fact or principle; asking the learner to select and apply facts and principles to solve a given problem (example: What do you know that will help you solve this problem?); and asking the learner to formulate and solve his or her own problem by selecting, generating and applying facts and principles (example: What do I see as the problem here and how can I reach a satisfying solution?)

Assessment for learning can be based on a variety of information sources (example: portfolios, works in progress, teacher observation or conversation). The feedback should be used by the teacher to revise and develop further instruction or the feedback can be used by the learner to improve study habit and time management to cope up with his problem regarding his/her studies. This kind of assessment can be more effective when performance task is coupled with a rubric. This kind of assessment is fundamental in illustrating how and why such principles need to be adhered to.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Difference between Assessment OF learning and FOR learning... shamseda tabao

In my own view, there is often confusion over the difference between summative learning (focus on results or grades) and learning assessment, believing that they are totally unrelated and sometimes they are one and the same. The truth is, it depends. Summative learning is often based on more than learning outcomes. Instructors’ grading criteria often include behaviours or activities that are not measures of learning outcomes, such as attendance, participation, improvement, or effort. Although these may be correlated with learning outcomes, and can be valued aspects of the course, typically they are not measures of learning outcomes themselves.

However, assessment of learning can and should rely on or relate to grades, and so far as I do, grades can be a major source of data for assessment. To use grades as the basis for learning outcomes, grades would first have to be decomposed into the components that are indicators of learning outcomes and those that are indicators of other behaviours. Second, grades would have to be based on clearly articulated criteria that are consistently applied. Third, separate grades or subscores would have to be computed for the major components of knowledge and skills so that evidence of students’ specific areas of strength and weakness could be identified. For example, although 30% of a class may receive a grade of 85, the group may all have shown a very high level of competence on one skill set but only moderate achievement in another. This kind of strength and weakness assessment provides feedback that is useful to students because it can guide and focus their practice, to the teacher, because it can reveal topics and skills that require further instructional activities, and to the department, because it can guide potential changes in curriculum to appropriately address areas of strength and weakness.

This kind of analysis is not the same as producing sub scores for different course activities, such as a score for homework, one for exams, and another for projects. These are different methods of assessment, and each of them may assess multiple skills and abilities and may overlap with each other in terms of what knowledge and skills they assess. To accurately assess learning outcomes, each type of assessment (i.e., exam, project, assignment, etc), would need to be analyzed in terms of the different skills it addresses and scores across the various types of assessment activity would have to be compiled and assigned for each of the skills.

The Assessment FOR learning is an approach to formative assessment contends that access to more frequent evidence of student mastery of state standards gathered using multiplechoice tests and placed in the hands of teachers, while potentially helpful, falls short of tapping the immense potential of formative thinking. The alternative is to use many different assessment methods to provide students, teachers, and parents with a continuing stream of evidence of student progress in mastering the knowledge and skills that underpin or lead up to our department of education standards.

By: Shamseda A. Tabao

Friday, July 1, 2011



“Our students are reflection of who we are as a teacher” is my guiding principle when I chose to become a teacher. I always wanted to the best teacher if not the perfect one.

I believe that I can only be the effective and successful in profession though effective assessment. Assessment as we all know is a part and parcel of teaching. I believe I can only assess the development of my students through reliable, valid assessment in the form of testing, measuring, marking, and making reports.

Assessment, though, exceedingly complex activity it is only through this means that the efficiency of the teacher and the growth and achievement of the student can be evaluated through the use of such devices as check lists, rating scales, test of different aspects of teaching ability, interview, and questionnaires.

Moreover, assessment should be diagnostic, for instance, it should reveal the specific points of strength and weakness in teaching and learning. It should also motivate our students to study. The latter will set-up effective and definite goals for learning. Assessment, too, should enable teachers to discover the needs of his/her students to effectively design what learning experiences will satisfy there need (Gregorio). Furthermore, it should stimulate the cooperation from school, the home, and the community in making significant educational progress. Parents will be given the chance to understand their children’s growth, interest, and potentialities. It is our major responsibility to inform parents regarding their child’s development and progress in the various areas of the curriculum, his desires and motives and behavior they lead to, his potentialities for learning, as well as his achievement.

Likewise, assessment is helpful for teacher as this will enable him/her to see how he can make his contribution to the accomplishment of the total goals or aims of the school system.

Our prime concern as a teacher should be determining the effectiveness of teaching through teaching and learning, this, I believe could only be attained evaluation/assessment.

But, if I have to look back, I could only honestly admit I am not totally successful in performing my task, that, in assessing my students. At times, I am competing with time finishing the allotted time for every subject matter. But guided with my acquired knowledge about the principles of assessment, I could only assured everyone that I am giving my best to be effective assessor of my students’ achievement, especially that I am also burden with other responsibilities like my schooling.

Assessment of/for Learning... by Presentation Ananario

Assessment for Learning

Assessment for learning is an integral part of teaching and learning. It is best described as a process by which assessment information is used by teachers to adjust their teaching strategies, and by students to adjust their learning strategies.

Assessment, teaching and learning are inextricably linked, as each informs the others.

Assessment is a powerful process that can either optimize or inhibit learning, depending on how it is applied.

Benefits of assessment for learning

For Teachers
Assessment for learning helps teachers gather information to:
• plan and modify teaching programs for individual students ,groups of students and the class as a whole
• pinpoints students strengths so that both teacher and students can build on them
• identify students learning needs in a clear and constructive way so they can be addressed
• involve parents and families in their children’s learning
For students
Assessment for learning provides students information and guidance as they can plan and manage the next steps in their learning.

Assessment for learning uses information to lead from what has been learned to what needs to be learned next.

The assessment for learning can unlock the approaches used by students and help them to become aware of not only what they are learning, but how they are learning it. This empowers student to take control of their own learning, by developing their skills of self-regulation.

Students can discuss their developing understanding of their teacher, peers, parents and families. Independent learners like this have the ability to seek out and gain new skills, new knowledge and new understanding according to their needs and learning goals.

Assessment of Learning

Assessment of learning refers to strategies designed to confirm what students know, demonstrate whether or not they have met curriculum outcomes or the goals of their individualized programs, or to certify proficiency and make decisions about students’ future programs and placement. It is designed to provide evidence of achievement to parents, other educators, the students themselves and sometimes to other groups. (e.g. employers, other educational institutions)

Assessment of learning is the assessment that becomes public and results in statements and symbols about how well students are learning. It often contributes to pivotal decision that will affect students’ futures. It is important then, that the underlying logic and measurement of assessment of learning be credible and defensible.

Assessment of learning methods include not only test and examinations, but also a rich variety of products and demonstrations of learning-portfolios, exhibition, performance, presentations ,simulations, multi-media projects and a variety of other written, oral and visual methods.

Assessment of learning needs to be very carefully constructed so that the information upon which decisions are made is of the highest quality. Assessment of learning is designed to be summative, and to produce defensible and accurate description of student competence in relation to other assessments results.


As part of the over-all evaluation process, we need specifically to find out if the learners are actually learning as a result of the training, for example, are learners are changing their behavior .This will show us whether the training has been effective, which ultimately is the most important issue. Assessment is the means of finding out what learning is taking place. As well as specific knowledge and skills, we might also like to measure other changes in behavior related to personality, social skills, interest, learning styles, etc.

Teachers need to know how a given assessment should enhance learning, and how to check if it has. Assessment should emphasize quality student –teacher learning enter-actions and be fit for purpose.

Assessment for learning supports teaching and learning in three key ways such as; identifying the learning need, feedback and next teaching and learning steps while assessment of learning requires the collection and interpretation of information about students’ accomplishments in important curricular areas, in ways that represent the nature and complexity of the intended learning. As said , genuine learning for understanding is much more than just recognition of facts or algorithms,” assessment of learning “tasks need to enable students to show the complexity of their understanding.

To conclude assessment for learning has to assess to enable teacher to determine next steps in advancing students learning while assessment of learning has to assess to certify or inform parents or others of students’ proficiency in relation to curriculum learning outcome.

Assessment for learning will asses each student’s progress and learning needs in relation to the curricular outcomes while assessment of learning will assess the extent to which student’s can apply the key concepts, knowledge ,skills and attitude related to the curricular outcomes.

The methods use for assessment for learning is a range method in different modes that make student’s skills and understanding visible while assessment of learning use a range method in different modes that assess both product and process.

Accuracy and consistency of observation and interpretation of students learning, clear, detailed learning expectations and accurate, detailed notes for descriptive feedback of each student are the ways of ensuring quality of assessment for learning while assessment of learning ensures quality through accuracy, consistency and fairness of judgment based in high quality information, clear, detailed learning expectations, and fair and accurate summative reporting.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Assessment for Learning (Teachers' TV)