Friday, December 2, 2011

Norma Delima: Reaction Paper: D.O. 11, s. 2011

Meeting 3 REACTION: ON DEP ED ORDER NO. 11, s 2011
(National Assessment and Grading System Frameworks)

“Assessment of learning is an end to itself”, one important thing I learned from the previous session. And this actually answers the question why students or examination takers cheat. The thought that examination is a requirement for passing a subject or for a higher level of educational qualification, people who are dependent tend to cheat during examination. But one dangerous thing when one get used to it, is that cheating becomes a habit. And cheating which started from classroom may be applied in bigger scope, and to some point, to cheating on relationships, with friends and with the family.
“Learning is an acquisition of KASH from experiences”, another concept I got. KASH which stands for knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits, are the things that are diagnosed in assessing the students. However, among the four, the attitude is the most difficult to be checked- only by observation. It is only through personal integrity that one could claim that he has good attitude. Integrity is doing good even if no one is watching. And like values, it is more caught than taught. Winston Churchill once said, “There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues, the most dominating virtues of human society, are created, strengthened, and maintained.”

So how is assessment done … by a series of test. By then, we will only be able to see the consistency of the performance of an individual.

Summative tests are in the form of quarter exams and chapter test, which is what is meant by assessment of learning. Formative test are in the form of quizzes and long tests, which is referred to the assessment for learning. This again is another thing I learned, the difference between assessment of and assessment for learning.

Increment is then made clearer to me that it is the difference between the scores of the pretest from the posttest. For in here, authentic assessment of learning is really determined. So one very important thing to do during the giving of pretest, is to tell the students to seriously answer the questions. The problem sometimes, or even oftentimes, is that the teacher, during the conduct of the pretest, informs the students not to take the test seriously, for it is just a pre-test.

ON Dep Ed ORDER No.71, s. 2010

Formal education starts with entry of the child at age 5 or 6 into Grade 1. No wonder why pupils and students do not perform as what the previous generations did, because the readiness to learn was not considered. I have read a study which revealed that children who enters grade I at age 7 perform better than those who enrolled earlier in life.

The first objective of assessment is to assess readiness of learners for subsequent grade/year levels in the education ladder. But why is there always a mass promotion? The teacher knows that some of his students lack the desired learning skills for their age, but then because of the fear of “being required to write a letter of explanation” when there are students who cannot be promoted due to failure in at least three units, the tendency is to change marking from red to black ink. And the same things happen the next year, until the National Assessment comes, and until the students enroll to college, with skills generally not mastered.

Objective of Assessment # 7: Ensure that quality learning is being affected by the system. During the Focused Group Discussion held during the midyear break INSET, teacher-participants were asked to list down and discuss by school, the advantages and disadvantages of DLP as implemented in our division. Disadvantages took the greater part. Some can be controlled, some cannot. But for sure, teaching methodologies learned by teachers that would best be utilized to particular topics, cannot be practiced, for only DLP approach plus UBD should be used. Students are now complaining that copying from the blackboard to their activity sheets is already very tiresome.

On Division Unified Test, at our end, we are not given the consolidated test results that really come from the Division Level. School level results are forwarded, but no feedback as to the school’s rank in the division level is given. Could it be because dishonesty is also practiced, or are those tests just for compliance? No wonder why this Dep Ed ORDER was not properly disseminated and implemented.

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